Converting a Lutheran Daycare Center Into a Madrassa

The only thing I can say about this disheartening story from Germany is to quote Scripture:
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea. (Mark 9:42)
Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this article from Politically Incorrect:
Shariah for the youngest: Pastor fetches imam for evangelical daycare
Coming up this April, right on schedule with Ramadan, the Evangelical daycare Steubenstrasse in Düsseldorf begins a large-scale Islamic indoctrination of Christian children. The idea for this experiment on the youngest of the young, and therefore most pliable in our society, wasn’t conceived by rabid Muslim parents, but by the evangelical pastor Hartmut Wölk, the supervisor of this diaconal institution.
Everything shall change now. The young Christians shall get to know Islam and presumably learn to love it all the way into their voluntary submission and conversion. That this may happen is the duty from now on of Agata Hanifa Skalska, a hijab-wearing “religion pedagogue”, and Imam Asmer Ujkanovic. The 41 children ages three to six years old, of which only about half are Muslim, will for example have to learn what Ramadan means, and also what the disgusting rituals of the bloodbathers during the Islamic eid-al-adha. Furthermore, of course, the wearing of the Islamic hijab will be thematized.
Of course Pastor Wölk didn’t call this project into existence all on his own. He received advice and direction for himself from the KDDM (District of Düsseldorf Muslims). Among other things, it is planned to celebrate the birthday of the prophet and the Islamic new year in the summer, and of course also to say prayers together. That, Wölk says, is important in order to create tolerance.
The day care leader, Isabell Fassbender, immediately fell into wild actionism and plans to acquire a Koran, prayer mats, and Islamic prayer chains. Colorful children’s books about the murder- and mayhem-cult are already in stock. Diaconia pastor Thorsten Nolting is even more serious: he muses about a future in which a Muslim educator is employed who could become an Islamic role model for the Christian children.
Therefore, no later than when the time for school enrollment comes around, it should be an accomplished fact that all freshly-brainwashed six-year-old girls would want to wear a hijab instead a cute little pink hair pin, and all boys will wish for themselves nothing more than their own prayer rug for at home.
Parents were informed at a PTA meeting. Most reacted positively. As for the “critical voices”, Isabell Fassbender said that they would be respected and it would be attempted to minimize “possible fears” through education.
In Germany, this means that those parents are considered to have a psychological problem, a so-called anxiety disorder, namely Islamophobia. And this disorder shall be exorcised via conversation. About like this: Islam is peace, shariah is a great concept, and Mohammed only abused Aisha because he protected her, etc. etc.
Imam Asmer Ujkanovic is well-practiced because these are the kinds of taqiyya stories he has ready to hand for the inmates of the JVA-Düsseldorf (Correctional facility Düsseldorf). To them he speaks to as an Islamic chaplain. He tells them that “staged and incomprehensible massacres” have nothing to do with Islam. “Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance,” says Ujkanovic.
Apparently not all parents fall for this, because since these plans were made public, the Islamophilic Pastor has been getting mean emails, among which he is dubbed the “antichrist” and as an “apostate”, as RP online reports. Pastor Wölk’s own Christian believes aren’t doing too well. A good shepherd protects his flock instead of leading it into the wolves’ den.
Ev. Tageseinrichtung für Kinder Steubenstraße
Leiterin: Isabell Faßbender
Steubenstraße 17, 40599 Düsseldorf
Tel: 0211 74 36 85
Pfarrer Hartmut Wölk
Post: Adolf-Klarenbach-Straße 6, 40589 Düsseldorf
Tel: 0211-7489838


  1. I can see Jesus’ wrath at the pastor’s betrayal of the children into the waiting arms of Satan and his breach of his covenant of the ministry of the Word of God. Allah is not Yah. Allah encourages and even commands prevarication and deceit (taqiyya & tariqa). Yah expresses forbids all manner of falsehood, false witness and dishonest weights and measures. I do not wish to anywhere near that pastor’s shoes when he stands before Christ.
  2. My husband, an organist, happened to pass by the most popular church in our New England town, a “Church of Christ”. He was gob-smacked to see that an imam was preaching the Koran from the pulpit, and all the liberal grey-hairs sat nodding their heads.
    Would never have believed this in a million years!
    • Liberalism is truly a mental disease as Michael Savage has written. Naturally this was in New England at a Congregational “church.”
      • Those are two separate denominations, the Congregational Church (yes, confined to New England), and “The Church of Christ”, which exists nation-wide. Not to mention that there are several varieties of Lutherans.
        Finally, there are Anglican and Episcopal parishes that name their congregations “Christchurch”.

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